Bedroom beige

Your bedroom serves a purpose. It is for rest, relaxation, and romance. I refer to them as the 3 R’s.

Your bedroom gives clues as to what is happening in your life and within you.

Here is what I discovered in a recent Feng Shui consultation. As I entered the client's home, I was struck by the beauty everywhere. The entry was sparkling clean, an overhead light cast a warm glow, the greenery was lush and thriving.

As we walked around the home I was amazed by the beauty in each room. The décor was stunning, from the wall and accessory colors to the finely crafted furniture and gorgeous art. Sculptures, paintings, and plants were strategically placed throughout.

The home had a fantastic flow, yet the client seemed uneasy and nervous. I knew there was an energy deficit somewhere. I had no idea what I would find as we entered the master bedroom.

Everything was revealed the moment we set foot into the master bedroom.

As I entered, I noticed this room was opposite the rest of the house.

There was no beauty, no window coverings, no color, no art, and no plants. It was bare. We went from stunning beauty to emptiness.

Two walls had floor to ceiling windows and no window coverings, the top of the dresser was empty, the walls, carpet, and bed were white, and no art or décor to be found anywhere.

The room felt sterile and there was no flow in this room. This is a clue.

A part of her life was not in flow; this is where it showed up.

A dog cushion in one corner of the bedroom was another clue to her situation.

I noticed the dog cushion was in the “relationship” area of the room.

So, I asked, “Who is in the doghouse in your relationship?” More about this later.

Your space reflects what is happening in your life and within you. In this case, it showed up as a dog cushion in the relationship area.

Now, look in your bedroom.

How would you describe your bedroom? How do you feel when you are there? Relaxed, stressed, happy, anxious, or peaceful?

Do you like the colors of the walls, bed, and furniture? How does the color make you feel? Calm, relaxed, nervous?

What decorations do you have on your walls? Art, wall hangings, pictures?

What kind of window coverings are there? Curtains, shutters, blackout drapes, mini blinds? Does your bedroom feel private?

A nourishing bedroom has a good energy flow and feels comfortable.

It is your sanctuary. It is easy to remember your bedroom is for the 3 R’s: rest, relaxation and romance, period. That means no electronics (TV, computer, iPad, etc.)

Increase flow and improve your health and well-being with the 3 R’s by implementing the Feng Shui Bedroom Tips here:

Feng Shui Bedroom Tips

Tip #1 – Include beauty in your bedroom. Here are some ideas:

  • Open the curtains and let in natural light to bring in nature.
  • Welcome fresh air into your bedroom often by opening a window.
  • Add a live plant; they produce oxygen, which supports sleep.
  • Choose soothing colors and add bright colors as accents.
  • Display art that supports rest, relaxation, and romance. Beauty supports flow, which adds to your well-being.

Tip #2 – Tidy up your bedroom. Look around. What is out of place?

  • Make your bed, put items away, and straighten up your dresser and nightstand.
  • Only one book near your bed at a time.
  • Make sure the space under your bed is empty, which helps energy flow better and nourishes you while you sleep.

Tip #3 – Remove electronics from your bedroom.

  • That includes treadmills, computers, televisions, etc. The goal is to support the 3 R’s – rest, relaxation, and romance.
  • Electronics are distractions and stimulate your nervous system, making relaxing harder.
  • Electronics also emit an electromagnetic field (EMF), which has been shown to interfere with sleep and cause health problems.

Tip #4 – Does your bed have a substantial headboard?

A solid headboard attached to the bed helps to ground you as you sleep.

Wooden headboards are the most stabilizing. It is best to have the headboard touching the wall, which is the most supportive position.

Tip #5 – Place your bed in the best position possible

When you are in bed, you should be able to see the door without being in direct alignment with the door.

This bed position allows you to relax when you sleep and engage in romance fully. You relax more on a subconscious level when the door is visible from the bed.

Back to the consultation. Do you know which tips were missing in this client’s home?

All were missing except tip 2 (tidy up) and tip 3 (no electronics).

As the conversation landed on the dog bed, she told me her relationship with her husband was in trouble.  She felt like she was in the doghouse because she was keeping secrets from her husband.

It was visible in her bedroom.  Energy always shows the truth.

The lack of flow in the most intimate room in your home, your bedroom, reflects the part(s) of your life that are stagnant or not flowing.

Use these tips to evaluate your bedroom, and let me know what actions you plan to take to improve the flow in your bedroom.

You may also want to read these articles:

Learn how to use the Feng Shui Bagua to see what messages are revealed in your bedroom. This article also has a no-cost bagua download.

How To Use The Feng Shui Bagua

How Does Feng Shui Work?

Got Stress? 4 Tips to Create Flow and Reduce Stress

The Energy in Your Home and Workplace has Flow

Nancy Dadami is an Intentional Creativity Guide, Feng Shui Specialist, and cheerleader for your Soul. Her passion is to serve seekers, conscious creators, and online entrepreneurs called to expansion, education, and freedom. This results in living the best version of themselves, creating a life of abundance, self-awareness, purpose, and inner peace. 


5 Feng Shui Bedroom Tips to Improve Inner Peace, Rest, Relaxation and Romance

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