Have you ever wanted to get healthier but have not been able to get started or started but have not been able to stay with it? You might ask yourself, how can I overcome procrastination?
Meet Francine, a small business owner, author, wife, mother, effective communicator, and spiritual seeker. She had solid relationships with her clients, friends, and family.
One area of her life frustrated her because she could not get started, or if she did, she could not stay with it.
The doctor told her that losing 15 pounds would make her feel better, have more energy, and help her heart be healthier. Part of her knew he was right, and part believed she would be on the road to endless sacrifice. She just wanted to be thinner without giving up her loved foods.
Francine had talked about dieting but never made the changes to make her happier and healthier. She always said she would start next Monday. When the next Monday arrived, she would procrastinate by finding other activities to keep her too busy to pay attention to her health.
Everyone procrastinates on something. It’s essential to recognize that Francine and you are not alone; procrastination is usual, and there are strategies you can embrace to get through it.
Procrastination is so common that strategies have been tested and proven. Here are the top nine tips to overcome procrastination.
Tip #1- Give it Five or Ten Minutes
With this strategy, the objective is to spend five or ten minutes doing the task you’ve been avoiding. The logic is that you can endure five minutes of anything.
If Francine could get started for 5 or 10 minutes, she would be able to increase her time and find success.
Set yourself up for success by making a list of difficult things you have done or situations you’ve overcome in five or ten minutes.
Start each sentence with, “If I can _______ for 5 minutes, I can (insert task action) for 5 minutes. Repeat these to yourself as often as needed.
If you’ve been avoiding cleaning off your desk, spend five minutes on the task. That’s it. When the five minutes is up, you are free and clear to stop working on the task.
Of course, most often, once you get into doing something, you can continue. You’ll probably finish cleaning off that desk.
Tip #2 – Find Your Why
Why are you procrastinating? There is often an underlying reason. Sure, maybe you don’t like doing the task. But maybe there is another, deeper reason behind your procrastination.
For example, a writer may procrastinate on the last chapter of their book because they’re afraid of feedback, rejection from editors, or the revision process.
Dig deep and try to figure out why you are procrastinating. Then, you’ll be able to face the project head-on. You can overcome procrastination.
Tip # 3 – Work on Your Self-Discipline
The truth is that you can benefit from a little more self-discipline. You probably don’t push yourself as much as you might. You don’t stick to the task and give up too easily – not all the time, but probably more than you’d like. So, start working on your self-discipline.
For example, you might run for one minute longer or eat one more serving of vegetables. Wake up 15 minutes earlier to make one more phone call each day. Start learning to push yourself just a little bit harder.
It will affect all areas of your life, and you will be able to accomplish that project you’ve been dreading and avoiding.
Tip #4 – Set Realistic Goals
One of the biggest reasons people avoid certain projects, goals, or tasks is that they simply expect too much from themselves. They’re unrealistic.
A typical example is the weight loss goal. “I’m going to lose 15 pounds this month” sounds excellent. It’s specific and time-bound.
But is it realistic? Not really. It’s possible to lose that much in a month, but it would require tremendous discipline, a great plan, and no mistakes.
Something that might be more realistic: “I’m going to lose a pound a week by cutting 500 calories out of my diet and walking for 20 minutes a day.”
This makes the plan more achievable, and you’re less likely to procrastinate.
When setting goals for yourself, make sure you feel 80-90% confident that you can achieve them.
You can do this; see strategies 5 through 9 in Part 2 – Read Part 2 Here
Nancy Dadami is an Intentional Creativity Guide, Feng Shui Specialist, and cheerleader for your dreams. Her passion is to empower seekers, conscious creators, and entrepreneurs called to growth, learning, service, and freedom. This results in living the best version of themselves, creating a life of abundance, self-awareness, purpose, and inner peace. Linktr.ee/nancydadami