What do you do when you notice something is not working quite right? Are you a fix-it-yourself kind of person? How long do you struggle before you ask for help? Do you want to give it just one more try to see if you can fix it before you give in?

We all want to feel that we have some control over our circumstances, that is human nature, but when we take that control too far it works against us. How many times have you wasted hours trying to fix something and ended up frustrated and drained? The secret is to know when to ask for help.

After some wasted time and frustration I decided to look at new computers. There I was in the store looking, trying to make sense of information tags on each computer. I realized I had no clue what the information meant. That's when the most amazing thing happened. A young salesperson came to my assistance. He answered all my questions and he was excellent at explaiing the technology so I could understand it. He was talking about a single core processor and told me it would be like me cooking a Thanksgiving dinner in the kitchen all by myself and a dual core processor would be like cooking the Thanksgiving dinner with a twin, there would be two of us cooking and we would be able to get done faster. And then there was the quad core processor…..imagine four of me.  I understood what he was talking about and it became easy for me to make a decision. When I asked for help I got an expert, who gave me the information and guidance I needed to make a decision and solve my problem.

Feng Shui works the same way, it may seem frustrating when you don't understand it and with the help an expert everything falls into place.

When you look around your home I wonder if it is uplifting to you or draining you? It might be time to call in an expert.

An Expert, A Turkey, and Feng Shui

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