prosperity and healthThe design details of your home are a reflection of what is going on within you. Your choices of color, artwork, furniture, and the design details of your space tell a story about you. The story they reveal is about your positive and negative mindset, choices, and challenges. Is your prosperity and health influenced by the trees in your yard?

As a Feng Shui Design Detective, I help clients create spaces supporting their ideal life. Change one thing in your living space, and you change everything.


I want to trim some trees in my yard. They are big and hanging over the family room. When I trim them, will it cause a problem for me or my family?   


That is a good question because everything in your space, inside and outside the house, is part of the flow that affects everyone in the house. Trees are living and contribute to your well-being by creating beauty and oxygen. Nature is violated when trees are cut without regard for their contribution. Your prosperity and health may suffer.

Trees represent the “bones and finances “of everyone living in the house. When you trim trees, you affect the bones or finances of everyone living there. 

I watched a tree-trimming company brutally hack away at a neighbor's trees. The chainsaws were buzzing, and the limbs were falling. As the limbs piled up, they were gathered and put into a shredder. Poof, they were ground up, put into the trailer, and gone. It seemed that there was little regard for the life of the trees. 

Would you hack away at your bones or finances? I bet you wouldn't. Without knowing it, the tree trimmer created a dangerous situation for the family, the tree, and themselves.

A few months later, a boy from that house broke his arm while riding his bike. Was it a coincidence?

Whenever I encounter a family with financial problems or poor bone health, I always look at the condition of the trees in the yard for clues. Trees give possible clues to the energy that needs adjusting to improve finances and bone health.

It is essential to perform a ritual or ceremony honoring them before any trimming is done to create safety and prosperity, and health for the tree, the family, and the tree trimmer.

Look at the trees in your yard or on the grounds of your apartment/condo. Do any of them need trimming? You can plan a ceremony or ritual before the trimming begins.

Plan a ceremony or ritual before any trimming is done. I have performed many ceremonies before trees are trimmed with excellent results. 

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Nancy Dadami, Inner Peace Guide | Medicine Painting Mentor | Feng Shui Specialist
I help leaders, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs passionate about growth, learning, service, and freedom. We create a life filled with abundance, self-awareness, purpose, and inner peace. Learn more here

Are Prosperity & Health Influenced by Trees in Your Yard?

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