There is Ox energy swirling around this year. What does that mean? According to Chinese Astrology we are in an Earth Ox year and the energy of Earth and Ox combined influence our daily activities. Earlier this year I gave information about Earth and Ox. Time to check-in and see how your life is moving. Do you have harmony, balance, or disaster and stress?
The Ox is the “bearer of good news”. What good news have you had so far this year? Did you receive a promotion, a new job, better living space, improved relationships, better health, or increased business?
Ox energy also clears obstacles. Had any obstacles removed this year? Cleared clutter in your spaces or in your mind?Legal matters gone smoothly? Communication improved with family or colleagues? New projects easy to begin?
The Ox is also hardworking, focused and conservative. Focused is the word that jumps out at me. I have been asking myself ” What do I want?' and focusing on the answer. I find that when I focus the obstacles are easily removed and I am able to move forward.
An Earth Ox year is a year for rebuilding, reconstruction, rejuvenation, and nurturing ourselves. I have been receiving regular bodywork as one form of nurturing myself. I am also eating more healthy foods, exercising more, and laughing more often. I seek out fun and ways that I can play. rebuilding, reconstruction and rejuvenation happen naturally when I nurture myself.
The quality that ties this all together is discipline. Self-discipline will be richly rewarded in an Earth Ox year. That means it is a great time to take action. The obstacles are easily removed. Hardwork and focus set the course for our desires. Nurturing self unlocks the rejevenation and discipline moves us forward. What a great year!