3 Step Feng Shui Formula to Boost Your Confidence,Clarity & Peace of Mind

Today I am going to tell you the  3 step Feng Shui Formula that will bring you more Confidence, Clarity and Peace of Mind. Have your ever put yourself on hold to get your “work” done? Have you ever put your family on hold because you had so much to do and you were determined to get it all done? Have you ever thought if I just work harder or longer I will make progress

No Clients…..Blame Your Desk

woman smiling at desk

Is your desk facing the wall, facing the window, or in direct line with the door? Can you see the door when you are sitting at the desk? The placement of your desk influences your prosperity, peace of mind, and opportunities for success. One of my clients had her desk in direct line with the door; getting things accomplished was a struggle. She had been working on a project without much progress. When she moved

How To Attract Your Ideal Prospect

Running Your Own Business? Law of Attraction Tools I’d Use if I Were You” Part 1 by Michael Losier Have you found yourself wondering if there’s more you could be doing with Law of Attraction and your business? Do you even know if you’re doing it right? I hear from a number of people both at seminars and TeleClasses who want to make sure they’re doing all they can to tap into Law of Attraction

American Idol Taught Me How To Find My Business Mojo

They all started with a dream, a dream to become the next American Idol. They started as beginners, lacking experience, marketing savvy,confidence, and they looked scared in front of the TV audience.  Many of us start our businesses as beginners too. As I watched American Idol each week I began to see the unfolding of each contestant going from having a dream to living the dream. There was something magical going on. Some contestants were

Why Is Spring Cleaning Good For Your Well Being?

We have been having yo-yo weather, some days with warm sunshine and others with cold rain. I am not sure if it is spring or winter. Either way it is time to do some spring cleaning, I know I will feel healthier and happier by that simple act. Imagine spending winter in your house shut tight against the cold, heated by coal, oil, and wood,, lighted with candles. That is how life was in times

Is Your Office Causing Struggle In Your Business?

 Are you trying to build a successful business? Are you also struggling to put all the business components in some order without the success you desire? Would you like to stop trying so hard and use less effort and have more fun? When our office space is inspiring, uplifting, and harmonious it creates an energy alignment with our business which makes success easier and more fun. When our office space is cluttered, chaotic, or stressful

Feng Shui Tip #6 Predecessor Energy

Who occupied  in your home or workplace before you? Were they successful, happy or did they go bankrupt or get divorced? You really should know because their energy may be affecting your happiness and success. Every person that has ever occupied your current space has deposited a vibe there. To coin Clint Eastwood, whether it be good, bad, or ugly they have left a vibe in your space. That is why a Feng Shui specialist wants to

Stop Missing Opportunities In Your Business

Are you avoiding learning about furniture placement because you are not a Feng Shui consultant? Better not, because whether you place your desk facing the wall, facing the window or in direct line with the door, the last thing you need is a business that is gasping for air and goes down. Okay, fasten your seat belt as we race our way into the power behind furniture placement in your office. Find out for yourself