Have you ever been focusing on something so much that you lost track of what was going on around you? Or maybe you were curious about what was going on “over there” and directed your attention to what was happening “over there”. You guessed it, that happened to me and I have to share the story and the Soul message I received on this one with you. I walk every day along the waterway near
Ready To Meet Your Cast of Characters?
Your Cast of Characters, those universal archetypes that influence your thoughts and actions, Are you ready to meet them and discover the Soul messages they have for you? We invite you to join us in the Archetypal Soul Messages journey. Uncover your inner voice and wisdom so you can: Gain unique perspectives and insights into your life journey. Discover the Universal Archetypes and how they impact your life identify self-sabotaging behaviors and thought patterns Tap
Do You Know Your Cast of Characters Within?
Have you ever noticed that you have a cast of characters within? Characters that show up at different times to guide, direct, or even criticize you? You know that small voice within, sometimes it shows up as guilt or love or responsibility. Carl Jung referred to these characters as archetypes, universal energies that when uncovered help us understand why we do what we do. Each archetype has qualities that we can tap into in times
I Could Not Control Myself
I charged into the kitchen, scanning the counter for anything chocolate. The craving was deep in my bell, lik a bull horn screaming to me “Chocolate, chocolate and NOW!” Has that ever happened to you? What is really going on and what does it mean to you?
The Secret To Asking For What You Want And Getting It!
Do you hold back from asking for what you want in your relationships? Afraid of hearing a “NO” to your request? Get angry with yourself for not standing up for yourself and asking for what you want? The number one reason people do not ask for what they want is the fear of the “NO”. That fear keeps them stuck, overwhelmed and feeling limited. No wonder they often feel angry and resentful. Today I am
How Your Thoughts Stop Your Success
[pb_vidembed title=”How Your Thoughts Stop Your Sucess” caption=”” url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQrcZLQUhTo” type=”yt” w=”480″ h=”385″] Have you ever said “NO” to an idea or suggestion just because you don’t like it? You could be missing opportunities for success in business and relationships.
3 Step Feng Shui Formula to Boost Your Confidence,Clarity & Peace of Mind
Today I am going to tell you the 3 step Feng Shui Formula that will bring you more Confidence, Clarity and Peace of Mind. Have your ever put yourself on hold to get your “work” done? Have you ever put your family on hold because you had so much to do and you were determined to get it all done? Have you ever thought if I just work harder or longer I will make progress
Feng Shui Secrets to Greater Intimacy
[pb_vidembed title=”” caption=”” url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UP8190EFkAI” type=”yt” w=”480″ h=”385″]
Are You Living Like A Swimmer?
[pb_vidembed title=”” caption=”” url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf7ClQ4mkZ0″ type=”yt” w=”480″ h=”385″]