Have you ever been focusing on something so much that you lost track of what was going on around you? Or maybe you were curious about what was going on “over there” and directed your attention to what was happening “over there”. You guessed it, that happened to me and I have to share the story and the Soul message I received on this one with you. I walk every day along the waterway near
Here Is A Feng Shui Method To Adjust The Chi Of Your Health
One of my Personal Growth Coaching clients felt general discomfort in her body and confusion in her mind. She was worried this uneasiness would be a new way of life, and she did not want that. She practiced this Feng Shui method consistently to adjust her personal Chi. She noticed her energy level improving, her thoughts becoming more positive, and her increased feelings of peace and well-being. Do you know a Feng Shui method to
Where I am from…
I am from the land of curiosity, creek walking, rope swings, & hiking to the old oak tree. I am from red roses and butterflies And playing jacks and laughing until I cry. I am from walks in the forest, and the sounds of redwood mulch crackling under my feet. I am from soaking in hot tubs and engaging in deep conversation I am from bold intentions, Freshly roasted walnuts bear claws, and bergamot tea
Help For Cravings – It Is Easier Than You Think
Do you ever have cravings? You know those thoughts that keep nagging you about something that will not go away until you give in. It happens to all of us, so you are not alone. Where does that craving come from? Your words, whether thoughts or spoken are like magnets attracting those very words to you. Watch the video and see if you get insights to help you quiet or stop your cravings. Your words
Is It Destiny or Choice? The Answer May Surprise You
is Here is one question I get asked: Is it destiny or choice? How do my choices impact my destiny, or is there destiny?” Do you ever wonder if Destiny exists, or is it all about our Choices? When have you ever asked yourself, “Who Am I? Why Am I Here? or What Is The Meaning of Life? As a high school teacher and later as a coach, I discovered three age groups in which
Ready To Meet Your Cast of Characters?
Your Cast of Characters, those universal archetypes that influence your thoughts and actions, Are you ready to meet them and discover the Soul messages they have for you? We invite you to join us in the Archetypal Soul Messages journey. Uncover your inner voice and wisdom so you can: Gain unique perspectives and insights into your life journey. Discover the Universal Archetypes and how they impact your life identify self-sabotaging behaviors and thought patterns Tap
Do You Know Your Cast of Characters Within?
Have you ever noticed that you have a cast of characters within? Characters that show up at different times to guide, direct, or even criticize you? You know that small voice within, sometimes it shows up as guilt or love or responsibility. Carl Jung referred to these characters as archetypes, universal energies that when uncovered help us understand why we do what we do. Each archetype has qualities that we can tap into in times
3 Step Feng Shui Formula to Boost Your Confidence,Clarity & Peace of Mind
Today I am going to tell you the 3 step Feng Shui Formula that will bring you more Confidence, Clarity and Peace of Mind. Have your ever put yourself on hold to get your “work” done? Have you ever put your family on hold because you had so much to do and you were determined to get it all done? Have you ever thought if I just work harder or longer I will make progress
The “Knower” Within
There is a place within each of us that is our “Knower”, where the sacred meets us and grace overflows. Take a few deep breaths and breathe into that place now, connect to your “Knower” and rejoice in the sacredness of you. Can you feel that sacred space within you?