Imagine yourself in a place that makes you feel relaxed, comfortable, and happy. You may be at the beach, in a painting class, or listening to music in your living room. You know what it feels like to be in harmony. Now imagine yourself in a place that makes you feel overwhelmed, nervous, and frightened. Maybe you are on crowded public transportation at rush hour, waiting for test results at the doctor’s office, or pulled
Feng Shui Meets Intuitive Painting and Inner Magnificence Flourishes

It was an ordinary day, or so she thought. She did not know that her ah-ha moment was waiting for her like a bobcat quietly crouching in the grass, focused on his prey.That is how ah-ha moments are; they rarely warn you of their approach.But the light goes on when they arrive, and everything makes more sense.The connection between Feng Shui and Intuitive Painting caught me in an ah-ha moment. Here is how intuitive painting
Here Is A Feng Shui Method To Adjust The Chi Of Your Health

One of my Personal Growth Coaching clients felt general discomfort in her body and confusion in her mind. She was worried this uneasiness would be a new way of life, and she did not want that. She practiced this Feng Shui method consistently to adjust her personal Chi. She noticed her energy level improving, her thoughts becoming more positive, and her increased feelings of peace and well-being. Do you know a Feng Shui method to
What Everyone Ought To Know About Their Inner Critic

Think of a time when your inner voice was very critical of you for something. Not knowing what you want Not being able to make a decision You Ignore taking action that you know will help you reach your goals. You feel paralyzed by fear and can’t take action. Meet your inner critic. The Inner Critic is a powerful force within that tries to keep you from changing, even if you want to. Change brings
Where Is The Best Place To Keep Ashes After Cremation?

“Where is the best place in my home to keep the ashes of a deceased pet or person?” The answer may surprise you. Your home tells a story about you. As a Feng Shui Expert I read the energy of you, your floor plan, and your space for clues to the problems you are experiencing. Here is a recent Feng Shui case. The phone rang; it was Kim, asking about possible reasons her house was
Here Is A Peek Inside A “Flow” Reading Of A Floor Plan

Did you know your current concerns, problems, and challenges are visible in your floor plan? Come with me as I show you the design details in a floor plan and how the energy flow gives me information about the house’s owners. The design details, like the location of stairs, bathrooms, fireplaces, and bedrooms, all make a difference in the energy flow through your space. The energy is either flowing and nurturing you, or it is
What Is Revealed In A “Flow” Reading Of Your Floor Plan?
Your house tells a story about you. The floor plan of your space reveals that story and the areas that challenge you, such as relationship, health, money, career or confidence problems. When I look at your floor plan with “flow alignment” eyes I can see everything that is showing up in your life, the good, great and what needs improvement. In the floor plan in the video below, you will see the design details that
The 6 Flow Controllers Everyone Needs To Know
Your home tells a story about you. Yes, you heard me right. It tells a story about your financial situation, your relationships or lack of them, it tells a story about your health, family, career, and your children. How does that happen? It is all about flow and energy. What is happening in your life is reflected in your floor plan. Just like you see a reflection of yourself in the mirror, you can see
Everything You Want Is In The Flow State

The flow state holds the key to everything you want. Peace of mind, prosperity, fulfilling relationships, a meaningful career, vibrant health & happiness can easily be yours when you dwell in the flow. What is the Flow State? The flow state happens when your personal energy, vibration, desires, and surroundings are aligned. Enter the flow state when you are happy, confident, and creative. Everything seems to go smoothly. You are grateful, you can laugh easily,
11 Feng Shui Strategies To Reduce Stress For The Holidays

Does the thought of gathering with your family for the holidays make you stressed, overwhelmed, or cranky? The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, love, and happy families. However, for many people, loneliness, obligation, and stress surface as the holiday season begins. IThis article will help you reduce holiday stress. I have talked with several people who are feeling overwhelmed by preparing for the holidays and family gatherings this year. They are