Do You Need A Mood Makeover Today?

woman barefoot kicking waves

Creativity can lift your mood, expand your problem-solving skills, and bring you inner peace. You may want to ask yourself if you need a mood makeover. When you practice creativity regularly, you find opportunities for insights, self-discovery, and personal transformation. I found a class that captured my attention, and I did not think about it; I just signed up immediately. I took a painting class despite having no experience or formal training in painting. My

Sugar And Mood

a peice of Chocolate cake on a plate

My friend and colleague Cheryl A. Major wrote a post I want to share. It’s about her inspiring journey from depression to healthy living and the role of nutrition in healing. I know you will like it. ~~~~~~~~ Where to begin… I had no idea all the decades I struggled with depression (many decades) that sugar was a huge factor in my struggles. Not simply a factor but a huge factor. The old adage “you

Yes, It Really Happened

holding glasses out and looking down the steet

Have you ever been focusing on something so much that you lost track of what was going on around you? Or maybe you were curious about what was going on “over there” and directed your attention to what was happening “over there”. You guessed it, that happened to me and I have to share the story and the Soul message I received on this one with you. I walk every day along the waterway near

Unlocking The Secrets To Creating Inner Peace

Inner Peace

There are secrets to unlocking your inner peace. Today, we will look at one secret that helps you create the inner peace you need to flourish.   When I walked into the home office, it looked tidy. That is on the surface. Open the closet, and it was another story. There were blank canvases, cut-out magazine images, an air purifier, empty notebooks, boxes of fabric for upcoming projects, a container of incense, binders with courses I

Stop Sabotaging Your Personal Power

Handcuffs off Freedom

Rose wanted a life filled with peace, connections, and meaning, but she did not know how to tap into her personal power. She did not feel she got what she wanted out of her life. Rose felt disconnected from her family, friends, and workmates. She was afraid to share her opinion or questions with them. Rose thought she had to please those around her to feel worthy. As a result of this thinking, Rose often

I Can’t Hide Who I Am Becoming, And Neither Can You

I am growing and expanding my awareness of how the world works. Insights and synchronicity happen to me all the time. Here is the embarrassing part, Up until now I have been afraid to share my expansion with you. By sharing only Feng Shui I am limiting myself, my growth and insights on life. My new insights and growth come from two new areas of study. I am in my 5th year of a clairvoyant

Mindset Secret – Develop A Growth Mindset

head with swirling in brain

Michelle was in her forties when she felt missing something and realized she was unhappy with her life. She was living the life she dreamed of when she was twenty, and she was disappointed. Michelle had: beautiful home on a lot surrounded by nature with a gourmet kitchen and a view of the valley below a fulfilling marriage to a man that was her best friend and lover two busy teenage children active in sports

What Are You Saying Yes To?

Innovator Soulcollage card

What are you saying yes to? Better health, more abundance, fulfilling relationships, more happiness – a meaningful life, or a successful business. It all starts somewhere, and it starts with what you say yes to. What you are currently doing is your YES. We trick ourselves into believing we are living what we say yes to because if we are not actually doing it we are not really open to our YES. When I looked

Letting Go or Holding On, Where Are You?

Do you struggle with “letting go” or your stuff, old habits, or relationships? A you finding yourself in situations where you  must  “hold on” or “let go”. These kind of decisions are stressful when you struggle with clarity. You are not alone. I have been challenged with letting go in several areas of my life. My first reaction was to hold on for dear life. When that did not work I entertained the possibility of