Stop Sabotaging Your Personal Power

Handcuffs off Freedom

Rose wanted a life filled with peace, connections, and meaning, but she did not know how to tap into her personal power. She did not feel she got what she wanted out of her life. Rose felt disconnected from her family, friends, and workmates. She was afraid to share her opinion or questions with them. Rose thought she had to please those around her to feel worthy. As a result of this thinking, Rose often

What Everyone Ought To Know About Their Inner Critic

head profile with two faces and a question mark between the faces

Think of a time when your inner voice was very critical of you for something. Not knowing what you want Not being able to make a decision You Ignore taking action that you know will help you reach your goals. You feel paralyzed by fear and can’t take action. Meet your inner critic. The Inner Critic is a powerful force within that tries to keep you from changing, even if you want to. Change brings