Embrace The Power Of The Wood Dragon Year: Discover Its Significance And Capture Opportunities

Dragon profile

One of Wood Dragon Year’s powers is innovation—a time for new ways of thinking and creating. We are transitioning from the yin wood rabbit to the yang wood dragon. It is like going from the humble beginnings of the seedling, representing yin wood rabbit energy, which is nurturing, introspective, and quietly growing beneath the surface. The transformation of the seedling into a towering tree symbolizes the emergence of the yang wood dragon energy, which is

Yes, It Really Happened

holding glasses out and looking down the steet

Have you ever been focusing on something so much that you lost track of what was going on around you? Or maybe you were curious about what was going on “over there” and directed your attention to what was happening “over there”. You guessed it, that happened to me and I have to share the story and the Soul message I received on this one with you. I walk every day along the waterway near

4 Steps To Create A Powerful Personal Vision Statement

create personal vision

In the heart of a bustling city, Chris, an artist; Maggie, an entrepreneur; and Hazel, an empath, are each lost in the maze of their ambitions. Chris, the artist, was surrounded by vibrant paints, blank canvases, and ideas filling his mind, yet he did not know how or where to begin. His mind jumped from one idea to another without acting on them. Maggie, the entrepreneur, had opportunities to expand in many directions, yet she

Inner Peace, It’s The Magical Elixir Of Life

Butterfly on zinnia flower

Picture this: a tranquil mind, a calm heart, and a radiant spirit. It’s that sweet spot where you feel centered, content, and ready to conquer the world with unwavering confidence. But why is inner peace so important to your well-being? Well, let’s share my thoughts. When you find that peaceful sanctuary within yourself and in your home, everything changes. It’s like a superpower that unlocks your true potential. You become resilient in the face of

School Principal Gets Feng Shui Boost And Everyone Benefits

An elementary school principal  had insomnia, ate on the run and did not have a self-care routine. She  worked late into the evenings, ignoring her needs, to get things done. She was stressed and exhausted. She knew she could not keep up this pace and be the leader she needed to be for her teachers, staff and students. That is when I got the call. In my years as a teacher and principal I saw

3 Steps to Creating New Habits

light bulb with question mark inside

Are you ready to change and get healthier, wealthier, or more love in your life? Chances are your life is the way it is because of your habits. Let’s talk about forming new habits. We all have times when we intentionally want to improve our behavior and create new habits. This could be getting in the habit of eating healthier and drinking more water. It could be moving more and taking the dog for a