How Is the Gossip Factor Affecting Your Online Business?

gossip in business

We can probably all agree that gossip is not a productive business activity. What I learned about gossip is that it creates a draining energy force that is destructive to everyone involved, the ones gossiping and the ones being gossiped about. When people engage in judgmental talk about others, a toxic energy vibe is created. Our spoken words, thoughts, and actions mold the energy vibes of our experiences. The Impact of Gossip on Your Online

How To Use Daily Affirmations To Create Inner Peace

set powerful intentions

Daily affirmations are positive statements you repeat to yourself. Affirmations have the power to change your attitude. You may have heard that our thoughts shape our reality. In this article, you will learn how to use daily affirmations to create inner peace. By choosing positive affirmations, you increase positive changes in your life. Affirmations have roots in Vedic traditions and mantras, Buddhist practices, Christian Mysticism, and Shamanic traditions and are still used today. Affirmations help

Strategies For Beating Procrastination

two gremlin hands tearing a paper to get to you

Procrastination is a challenge we all face, especially in our fast-paced world. It’s the gremlin that lurks in the shadows of our to-do lists, whispering justifications for delay and promises of “later.” You can beat procrastination. Yet, as we all know, “later” often leads to missed opportunities and increased stress. Today, we’re focusing on strategies to beat procrastination and foster a culture of action within your business. Understanding procrastination is the first step toward overcoming

Peaceful Holidays: 12 Stress-Free Strategies

peaceful holidays

With its sparkling lights and joyful music, the holiday season often carries a less talked-about companion: added stress. Eight in ten Americans say the expectations and events around the holidays increase their focus, and many say it causes them to get less sleep. That might include you. Stay tuned for strategies for a peaceful holiday. It’s the time of year when our calendars overflow with commitments, and our to-do lists stretch longer than Santa’s. Getting

5 Ways A Feng Shui Vision Board Helps You Reach Your Dreams

woman with arms out in joy facing into open space

People are waiting for you to tell your story and share the gifts only you have. Telling your breakthrough story inspires others to believe they can transform, too. Please don’t make them wait too long. A Feng Shui Vision Board helps you align your dreams and intentions with your surroundings, to magnify your ability to reach your dreams. Do you have a dream? Are you living your ideal life? Is there something that seems to

Check Your “Chi” at the Door

House seen from steet, with red door and big porch

It all starts at your front door. It is time to check your chi at the front door. Did you know that Chi is another term for energy? The energy at your entrance impacts many areas of your life, including opportunities coming your way and your happiness. What do you see when you stand back and look at your front door? Does it look welcoming? Your front door is the passageway through which energy/chi enters

How To Supercharge Intentions

pen writing intentions

Do you begin your day with thoughts about yesterday’s challenges? Meet Katherine, whose feelings of anxiety and overwhelmed from saying yes to a family member by putting her needs last. It is maddening when she skips her self-care repeatedly by agreeing to others’ requests without stating what she wants. She voluntarily gives up her self-care in silence without negotiation or compromise. Katherine never knew that setting intentions could help her set boundaries. Then there is

Help For Cravings – It Is Easier Than You Think

Do you ever have cravings? You know those thoughts that keep nagging you about something that will not go away until you give in. It happens to all of us, so you are not alone. Where does that craving come from? Your words, whether thoughts or spoken are like magnets attracting those very words to you. Watch the video and see if you get insights to help you quiet or stop your cravings. Your words

4 Steps To Create Powerful Intentions That Get Results

set powerful intentions

You have done it, I have done it, and everyone has done it at one time. Do you remember the woman wearing a “put together” outfit who walked up to the microphone with such self-confidence that you were sure she was the organization’s leader? You then thought, “I wish I could be that successful and confident.” You can when you create powerful intentions. Then there was the time you saw a parent at the park,

This Is How You Manifest

Have you ever got the feeling that an idea or action is rising from deep inside you? It is coming from a place other than your thinking mind? And it won’t be denied? I had a feeling like that in April. It was the last day of the Be The Change Event and I was sitting with my new friends. We were discussing what action we were going to take when we got home. That

What Are You Expecting?

The Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It’s not testing you. It’s benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation. — Abraham

Why Be Pickier About What You Think?

“You’re picky about the car you drive. You’re picky about what you wear. You’re picky about what you put in your mouth. We want you to be pickier about what you think”.     — Abraham Who is in charge of your life, you or your mind? You are the chooser but the mind is oh, so clever at grabbing for control. Just think about the last time you were trying to get somewhere in heavy traffic.