Are you so busy that you “don’t have time” for the things you long to do? Does your day begin with alarm, snooze, alarm, shower, dress, jump-into-action-no-time-for-you? Maybe it seems that life happens to you, and all you can do is react to the circumstances. Now, imagine a life in which you get up and enjoy your “daily quiet time” before you shower and get ready for the rest of the day. Did you breathe
Don’t Give Up On The Parsley
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What I Learned About Life From A Heart Rate Monitor
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27 Ways To Improve Your Luck
It was a sunny day and I was driving to meet a friend. I stopped and waited to make a left turn. I had my turn signal blinking but the boy driving behind me did not notice that I was stopped. Wham, I was hit from behind. My car was thrust forward about 25 feet, my glasses ended up in the back seat, and I was stunned, shaken and not quite sure what had happened.
What Keeps You From Getting What You Want?
What is one thing you look forward to everyday? I mean really look forward to, so much that you can picture yourself experiencing it. It might be a brisk walk outside with the wind blowing on your face, the smell of your morning coffee as the aroma fills your kitchen, or conversation with someone that makes you happy. Many of us have small things that we do that make our lives full and rich every
7 Step Feng Shui Formula for Getting What You Want
How do you usually get what you want? Is it easy? How long does it take you to manifest your desires? Do you wish there was a foolproof formula to help you create what you want? I am here to tell you there is a formula, it can be easy, and your manifestations may happen as quickly as you implement the formula. Step One ~ Joy. Feel joy in your whole being before creating anything.
What Are You Expecting?
The Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It’s not testing you. It’s benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation. — Abraham
How To Attract Your Ideal Prospect
Running Your Own Business? Law of Attraction Tools I’d Use if I Were You” Part 1 by Michael Losier Have you found yourself wondering if there’s more you could be doing with Law of Attraction and your business? Do you even know if you’re doing it right? I hear from a number of people both at seminars and TeleClasses who want to make sure they’re doing all they can to tap into Law of Attraction
Why Be Pickier About What You Think?
“You’re picky about the car you drive. You’re picky about what you wear. You’re picky about what you put in your mouth. We want you to be pickier about what you think”. — Abraham Who is in charge of your life, you or your mind? You are the chooser but the mind is oh, so clever at grabbing for control. Just think about the last time you were trying to get somewhere in heavy traffic.