Yes, It Really Happened

holding glasses out and looking down the steet

Have you ever been focusing on something so much that you lost track of what was going on around you? Or maybe you were curious about what was going on “over there” and directed your attention to what was happening “over there”. You guessed it, that happened to me and I have to share the story and the Soul message I received on this one with you. I walk every day along the waterway near

Living on Purpose: Finding Inner Peace and Success

woman jumping between 2 mountains

Do you wonder what your purpose is? Do you ever feel like you’re putting in all the effort, but success still seems hard to reach? Whether you’re hustling as an entrepreneur, climbing that corporate ladder, or starting an online business, sometimes, it’s not about working harder but finding your life’s purpose. Knowing and living your purpose can transform your journey from struggle to success. Finding your purpose is like discovering a magic key that aligns

Here’s How You Can Unlock Your Soul’s Messages

key on stone ready to unlock messages

Have you ever felt an undeniable urge to do something, even though it made no sense then? Were you unlocking a Soul message? Maybe you tried to ignore the urge. Maybe you tried to talk yourself out of it. What would happen if you decided to listen and go with it? Well, let me tell you, it’s like the Universe decided to give me a little push when I stumbled upon intuitive painting and the

I Can’t Hide Who I Am Becoming, And Neither Can You

I am growing and expanding my awareness of how the world works. Insights and synchronicity happen to me all the time. Here is the embarrassing part, Up until now I have been afraid to share my expansion with you. By sharing only Feng Shui I am limiting myself, my growth and insights on life. My new insights and growth come from two new areas of study. I am in my 5th year of a clairvoyant

Enter Your Soul Flow State with “Holy Now”

When you give yourself the gift of being in nature or listening to heartfelt music you nourish our Soul. Your Soul is designed to keep you healthy on all levels, physical, mental, and spiritual. Your Soul is always giving you feedback, even when you might not be listening. When you listen, connect and align with your Soul’s messages you enter the Soul Flow State where everything you want resides. Listen to Peter Mayer as he

How You Do One Thing Is How You Do Everything

I walked into the classroom with a grocery bag full of oranges, my briefcase and a curious mind. Today was going to be different. I was conducting an experiment. Today they would experience themselves with a new awareness. They were about to discover how they approach the world. Imagine thirty teen agers from 15 to 18 years old talking, laughing and some not noticing that I was in the room, yet. As I settled I

Your Soul Is Talking To You ~ Are You Listening?

Your soul is talking are you listening

Your Soul is talking to you all the time; are you listening? SoulCollage helps you hear. I said “Yes” to the invitation without thinking and signed up for a SoulCollage® workshop to support my friend, Sandy. I was curious about the topic, but I was confident that rallying around my friend as she offered her first SoulCollage® workshop was my only reason to attend. A surprise awaited me. The only guideline was to leave my