Create Resilience, Connection, And Community

conecting two hands to the light

Participating in a Red Thread Circle can create resilience, connection, and community. A Red Thread Circle is a gathering of people who believe connection, support, and community are essential for happiness and well-being. The Red Thread offers an opportunity to live intentionally. Participants are motivated to share personal stories about the hidden world within and our lives in the world. The teaching of the Red Thread invites us to imagine ourselves as leaders and guides

Yes, It Really Happened

holding glasses out and looking down the steet

Have you ever been focusing on something so much that you lost track of what was going on around you? Or maybe you were curious about what was going on “over there” and directed your attention to what was happening “over there”. You guessed it, that happened to me and I have to share the story and the Soul message I received on this one with you. I walk every day along the waterway near

How You Do One Thing Is How You Do Everything

I walked into the classroom with a grocery bag full of oranges, my briefcase and a curious mind. Today was going to be different. I was conducting an experiment. Today they would experience themselves with a new awareness. They were about to discover how they approach the world. Imagine thirty teen agers from 15 to 18 years old talking, laughing and some not noticing that I was in the room, yet. As I settled I

Soul Connections

Giving Life Depth, Value and Meaning I have found this item to be useful in deepening my connection and awareness of Soul working through all parts of my life. My hope is that you will find value and meaning when you bring them into your experience too. Please share your thoughts about them, I look forward to your questions and comments.

3 Ways to Nourish Your Soul

[pb_vidembed title=”” caption=”” url=”” type=”yt” w=”480″ h=”385″] 3 Ways to Nourish Your Soul What would it be like if you were able to save time and money in your personal life and business? Hi, I’m Nancy Dadami, creator of Unlocking the Destiny Code System.

Want More Focus, Clarity, Vitality & Grace?

Do you jump out of bed in the morning feeling excited about your day? Do you know that beyond a doubt you will be focused, clear and have tremendous energy all day. Ever feel that no matter what comes up you will be able to handle it gracefully? There is a way that you can experience that excitement, focus, clarity, and tremendous energy. Three weeks ago I renewed my morning practice. Yes, I renewed it

What Determines The Quality of Your Juice?

If you wanted to  give a dozen oranges to your neighbor as an expression of love, you would need to have a dozen oranges.  If you intended to buy a new car for your parents to show your gratitude to them, you would need to have the funds to purchase the car. Likewise, you can’t give love away to others if you don’t have any for yourself. You can’t show respect for others if you