Feng Shui Invisible Forces: How They Affect You

singing bowls and tinsgsha bells

There are two energy forces at work in your home and workplace. The visible forces and the invisible forces. Visible forces are the physical features of the space that you can see. The invisible forces are the energetic forces, such as flow through the space, lingering feelings or behaviors of previous occupants, and invisible occupants, such as ghosts and spirits. Every person who has ever occupied your current space has left an energy deposit of

Here Is A Way To Check The Flow In Your Home & Why Its Important

Living Room

Is your home organized with everything in its place? Do you have too much stuff? Are your closets, drawers, or cabinets overflowing? How about your garage? Is it a catch-all when you don’t know where else to put something? Your surroundings matter.  The energy flow influences your well-being, peace, prosperity, love, and health through your home. Here is a way to check the flow in your home. Once you know this, you can improve the

9 High-Priority Feng Shui Health Principles

Inner Peace

Imagine yourself in a place that makes you feel relaxed, comfortable, and happy. You may be at the beach, in a painting class, or listening to music in your living room. You know what it feels like to be in harmony. Now imagine yourself in a place that makes you feel overwhelmed, nervous, and frightened. You may find yourself on crowded public transportation at rush hour, waiting for test results at the doctor’s office, or

Your House Tells A Story About You – Part 1

House seen from steet, with red door and big porch

Your home tells a story about you. And every story has a beginning. The entrance to your home is the beginning of your story. When you look with Feng Shui eyes you get clues to the story your house is telling about you as shown in the video. Want to tell a new story? You can with Feng Shui principles. There is a remedy for everything.  

Feng Shui and Beauty, 3 Ways to Fortify Your Home and Workplace

Bleeding hearts flowers

Look around your home or office, where is the beauty? How much beauty do you have in your space? Would it surprise you to know that beauty has the power to make you feel happy and less stressed?  Beauty has been central to our civilization for 2000 years as shown by this quote from Plato: “Beauty is certainly a soft, smooth, slippery thing, and therefore of a nature which easily slips in and permeates our souls.” –

9 Tips to Increase Your Good Fortune in the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017

  [pb_vidembed title=”” caption=”” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eswbc5ro1fI” type=”yt” w=”495″ h=”385″] One belief about Chinese New Year is that what you do on New Year’s Day sets the tone for your entire year. Do you want more happiness, prosperity, and meaningful relationships. On January 28th do something that makes you feel that way. It is a great way to set the tone for Year of the Fire Rooster. Have fun, laugh, spend time with people that matter to

The Gateway to Your Abundance

Abundance of tulips

Imagine opening a door that would take you to abundance, excellent health, fulfilling relationships, and a life where you could thrive. Would you walk through that door? You already have that door, and today, I will tell you how to open the door to the gateway to abundance. Opportunities are all around you. The challenge is to notice them when they present themselves. It is easy to focus on a project, a relationship, or a

3 Step Feng Shui Formula to Boost Your Confidence,Clarity & Peace of Mind

Today I am going to tell you the  3 step Feng Shui Formula that will bring you more Confidence, Clarity and Peace of Mind. Have your ever put yourself on hold to get your “work” done? Have you ever put your family on hold because you had so much to do and you were determined to get it all done? Have you ever thought if I just work harder or longer I will make progress

Feng Shui Tips to Reduce Family Stress During the Holidays

Does the thought of gathering with your family for the holidays make you feel stressed? The holidays are portrayed as a time of joy and family traditions, but for many people feelings of loneliness, obligation, and stress surface as the holiday season gets under way. Between the end of November and January,  Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s. That is a lot of celebrating and honestly, all that holiday togetherness is not always easy.

Feng Shui Tips to Reduce Family Stress During the Holidays

Does the thought of gathering with your family for the holidays make you feel stressed? The holidays are portrayed as a time of joy and family traditions, but for many people feelings of loneliness, obligation, and stress surface as the holiday season gets under way. Between the end of November and January,  Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s. That is a lot of celebrating and honestly, all that holiday togetherness is not always easy.

Cell Phones and Brain Tumors – Are They Related?

It has been said that Knowledge is Power.  One of  the areas I studied during my professional training was electromagnetic pollution. Not only does the energy emitted from electrical applicances and cell phones disrupt chi it may cause health problems. There is so much information about electromagnetic fiields and cell phones, small appliances, wi-fi, and cell towers. Here is a link to a sixty=minute television show about cell phones and brain tumors. You can decide after you