It has been said that Knowledge is Power.  One of  the areas I studied during my professional training was electromagnetic pollution. Not only does the energy emitted from electrical applicances and cell phones disrupt chi it may cause health problems. There is so much information about electromagnetic fiields and cell phones, small appliances, wi-fi, and cell towers. Here is a link to a sixty=minute television show about cell phones and brain tumors. You can decide after you see the patients and hear the doctors talk about their findings. Everyone should be informed of this possible danger.

Cell Phones and Brain Tumors – are they related? Please watch this short moving segment from 60 Minutes in Australia to understand their connection.

The Biopro company makes products that reduce or eliminate the harmful effects of cell phones and electrical appliances like hair dryers, microwave ovens, portable phones, televisions, refrigerators, etc.  If you are interested in more information I will give you a referral for a professional that can protect you and your family.

Cell Phones and Brain Tumors – Are They Related?

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