House seen from steet, with red door and big porchIt all starts at your front door. It is time to check your chi at the front door. Did you know that Chi is another term for energy? The energy at your entrance impacts many areas of your life, including opportunities coming your way and your happiness.
What do you see when you stand back and look at your front door? Does it look welcoming?
Your front door is the passageway through which energy/chi enters your space. The goal is to make it easy for the chi/energy to find your front door and bring the life force energy into your space.
Life force energy uplifts you, making it easier to take action toward your goals.
Once in, the chi circulates throughout your space, energizing and supporting your intentions. How does the chi enter your surroundings?
Time to evaluate how the chi is coming into your home or business.
Imagine chi flows down the street like a river, and your task is to attract flowing chi to enter your home or office. How do you do that? Answer the questions below.
  •  Notice the Chi's path from the street to the front door. Is the path open or blocked? It is easy and flowing. Does the front door face the street? Can you see the street when standing inside your front door?
  • Is the path from the street to the front door clear and easy to travel? Are there obstacles in the way of flow to your front door?
  • Are the plants along the way healthy? Are there plants along the way that need trimming or water?
  • What does the porch or entrance look like? Is it clean, clear, organized? Is it welcoming?
  • Look at the front door. Is it in good repair? Is it clean, painted, and opens easily without squeaking?
  • Do you have a welcome mat? Is it clean and sharp-looking?
  • Do you use your front door to enter your space? Or do you enter from a garage or back door? The front door is where the chi/life force enters your space.

Are you attracting the chi to your front door? Do a 10-minute evaluation with the above questions/facts, and you will have a good idea.

Remember, life-force energy that supports and sustains you starts at the front door. The chi has to come into your space to bring you energy, support, and opportunities.


Nancy Dadami is an Intentional Creativity Guide, Feng Shui Specialist, and cheerleader for your dreams. Her passion is to empower seekers, conscious creators, healers, and entrepreneurs called to expansion, education, and freedom. This results in living the best version of themselves, creating a life of abundance, self-awareness, purpose, and inner peace. See More at

Check Your “Chi” at the Door

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