Clutter in your officeMany people don't realize that clutter in their offices is costing them valuable time, efficiency, and work-life harmony.

What is the cost to you for disorder and clutter? There is a cost to you when you do not take time to set up systems to organize your office. Think about all those times you might have put that paper in a pile instead of a file and later spent too much time trying to find it.

Your personal and professional cost of having disorder and clutter in your office is:

  • Lost productivity dollars
  • Projects not started
  • Projects not finished
  • Stacks of paper that seem to multiply
  • Confusion
  • Lack of confidence
  • Loss of motivation
  • Fatigue, anger, and fear

Those are just some of the personal and professional costs that disorder and clutter create for you. What starts as piling papers can quickly turn into a bigger problem that affects your success.

It takes just minutes a day to stay organized. “What is in it for me?” you might ask. Well, you will be less stressed, have more time, be more efficient, have more confidence, be free of guilt and frustration, save money, and be in control. Not bad for a few minutes of work each day.

So here they are, the top eight organizing tips:

  1. Start your day with a clear desk. It increases your productivity.
  2. A clear desk means it has only what you need: your telephone, computer, and calendar. Everything else goes inside your desk or is nearby.
  3. Your plan for the day ~ that you wrote the evening before.
  4. The evening before, write down your five most important things to accomplish and prioritize the list.
  5. Start your day by working on your #1 priority for one hour uninterrupted before handling email, voice mail, etc.
  6. Work on your #1 priority until it is accomplished, then move to your #2 priority.
  7. Group things that are alike together to prevent duplication and expense.
  8. Clear your desk so it is ready for tomorrow.

Remember, “If it is hard to use, you won't.” Making your office visually pleasing is not a waste of time. It is essential for your well-being and success. Try these tips and let me know how they work for you.

This article may be helpful for you: Declutter and Boost Productivity, Happiness, and Inner Peace

Nancy Dadami is an Inner Peace Strategist, Medicine Painting Mentor, and Feng Shui Specialist. She helps empower leaders, visionaries, creators, and entrepreneurs called to growth, learning, service, and freedom so they can thrive by living the best version of themselves, creating a life of abundance, self-awareness, purpose, and inner peace. Find out more

Clutter In Your Office, What's It Costing You?

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