Hand rising from waterFran and her husband moved into a charming cottage five months ago. They loved the quiet setting, the privacy, and the lush greenery surrounding them. After four months, something did not feel right. Fran did not know what it was, but she knew something was causing problems in their relationship.

In the last four months, Fran quit her job without giving notice. Her husband decided to go to graduate school while he worked full-time, and their dog passed away. Three substantial changes made her wonder if the energy of her home was contributing to her situation.

Your home always reflects what is happening in your life. Make changes in your home and watch the changes in your life.

Fran called me for a Feng Shui consultation and space clearing.

 I meditate and enter my energy space to do an energy reading for the space and its inhabitants.

Connecting With The Spirit Guardian Of The Space

I detected a spirit on the land in her backyard.

A Native American elder was present on the land. Surprisingly, that part of the yard was barren. Not a tree, bush, or weed. It had been that way since the original owner lived there.

The Native American spirit told me he had been on this land since his group lived there. After his death, he stayed there to protect his people's sacred land. He was afraid the land would be abused by people who did not understand the sacredness of this land.

When he was a boy, he and his ancestors lived on the land in this area. They lived in harmony2 tepees on open land with the land and animals. Planting their crops was a sacred process, and they gave thanks when they took an animal. They loved the land and considered it sacred ground.

Many years later, the land was divided into plots, and houses were built everywhere.   He told me, “Not everyone treats the land with respect and honors the gifts the land provides.” That is why he was the protector of the land.

I asked him if he would accept a ceremony honoring and protecting the land. He knew this was the time to turn over the protection to Fran. He agreed that he would join his ancestors after the ceremony. And leave Fran in charge.

During the ceremony, the Native Americans began to cry. Tears were running down his face. He had waited so long for acknowledgment of his people, and now he knew the land would be cared for and respected. He was overwhelmed with joy.

As I finished the ceremony, I saw him moving up the hill to join his ancestors. Now, he was at peace and free.

It was a moving ceremony for Fran and me.

What To Do With A Space After A Spirit Clearing

Fran said she wanted to make the area a sacred meditation, prayer, and ceremony space. She was excited that the Native Americans trusted her to protect and love this land.

After the clearing, Fran and I entered the cottage to begin our Feng Shui Consultation.

Fran was given Feng Shui remedies to improve relationships now and in the future. Remedies for the marriage relationship, their professional working relationships, and family relationships.

The Native American’s presence was in the relationship area of the lot. Releasing him created space for relationships on all levels to flourish.

The Spirits I have worked with

Spirits exist even if you do not see them.

Spirits can be found in many places, whether on the land, in a house or business, or attached to a human.

Sometimes, people hear them coughing, mumbling, or laughing. 

I feel a tickle in my throat when spirits are present, and others smell smoke when no smoke is present.

Spirits stay on earth after they die for a variety of reasons. In the case of the Native Americans, he wanted to protect the sacred land.

Some spirits do not realize they are dead and are stuck in space. They do not know how to move on to their highest good. Space Clearing helps to release them.  Spirits that are stuck might be children, older people, suicide victims, ancestors, and energies from divorce, bankruptcy, illness, and depression.

Other spirits attach to humans and use the human’s energy to feel good.

This is how it happens – More Info about Spiritsspirt

We all have an energy vibration. When you are happy, your vibration is higher than when you are angry.

Spirits have a low vibration.

Your vibration depends on your emotions, physical habits, and surroundings.

The low-vibration emotions are anger, depression, grief, sadness, despair, stress, and overwhelm.

The physical habits that are low vibration are drinking alcohol, using drugs, abusive behavior, gossip, bullying, and violence.

The low vibration in your surroundings is clutter, dark, dingy rooms, a room where death or suicide occurred, a room where violence happened, a room with design problems that do not let the energy flow freely.

When your space has a low vibration, you attract spirits to be in your space.

When you have low vibration, you attract spirits to attach to you.

What can you do to keep yourself at a high vibration?

  • Take care of your health
  • Do not use alcohol or drugs
  • Manage your emotions
  • Meditate
  • Exercise
  • Start a creativity practice – take a painting class
  • Drink room-temperature water
  • Get rest
  • Practice gratitude and kindness
  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Do what you love
  • Make sure your space is clean, clutter-free, and well-lit. Open the windows and let fresh air in.
  • Arrange your furniture so energy flows smoothly through your space.
  • Clean the entrance to your home.

Space clearing is like creating a new blank canvas.

When a spirit is released from the land, home, or business, it is joyful because it is moving on to its highest good. It is free. And the space around your house is like a blank canvas. You can create a lifestyle that supports your dreams.

Before the space clearing, the canvas is covered with paint. That paint influences what you can create. It takes up space and impacts you whether you know it or not.

You can put your intentions, desires, prayers, sound, and light to create your desired life.

If this article is helpful to you, please share it so others may benefit. Thank You

If you have questions or comments, contact me HERE

Nancy Dadami is a Feng Shui Consultant, Medicine Painting Mentor, and Course Creator.  Her passion is to mentor seekers, conscious creators, visionaries, and entrepreneurs called to expansion, education, and freedom. Living from their Inner Magnificence results in a life of beauty, self-awareness, meaning, and peace of mind.

Do You Have A Spirit Living In Your House Or On Your Land?