There are two energy forces at work in your home and workplace: visible and invisible. Visible forces are the physical features of the space that you can see. Invisible forces are energetic forces, such as flow through the space, lingering feelings or behaviors of previous occupants, and invisible occupants, such as ghosts and spirits.
Every person who has ever occupied your current space has left an energy deposit of their experiences, thoughts, and behaviors there.
Who occupied your home or workplace before you?
Were they prosperous, happy, and successful, or did they go bankrupt, get divorced, or have health problems? Why did they move out?
Do you know anything about the people who occupied your space before you? If you are the first occupant in a space, your questions are about the land and what happened there before your building was constructed. The answers to these questions tell you if positive or negative energies are lingering in your space.
It is like a dance between the home, the workplace, and the occupants. The energies of the house and workplace influence the vitality of its occupants, and the energies of the occupants dance with the energy of the home and workplace.
The previous occupant's energy lingers in the space long after they move out.
When you look for a place to live or office space, you feel the power of a space when you walk in. One place may feel uplifting, while another feels heavy or draining. Chances are the lingering energy of previous occupants is still present in the space.
That is why a Feng Shui specialist wants to know who was in your space before you and what caused them to leave. If they are happy, prosperous, and healthy, that vibe is in the space and supports you. If they were depressed, went bankrupt, or had relationship problems, that vibe is in your space and may drain you.
People often do not know that the energy of their predecessors pollutes their space's energy. If the people in your space divorce while living there, then divorce energy is in your home and is always present. As the dance between you and your space continues, the energies of the predecessor’s divorce are present and impact your relationships.
My husband and I bought a house from people who were getting divorced. The home was filled with sorrow, anger, grief, financial stress, and loss of self. We did not want that energy to smother us and influence our relationship. As a Feng Shui Specialist, I know how to clear the old energy out of a space. I was able to clear their energy, infuse the home with our intentions, and support our love and relationship.
Yes, businesses are affected, too.
If you moved into a business space where the previous business failed, the failure vibe will be present in your current business. Have you ever seen a particular location with many companies open to going out of business quickly?
It is as if one failure piles on top of previous failures. Are you struggling to reach your business goals? Do you have trouble making the income you desire? Do you have difficulty getting new clients? It may have something to do with the previous occupants of your space.
The sacred space within you and around you gets clogged with outside energies. You know that has happened when you feel overwhelmed, drained, scattered, or cranky. If nothing is done to clear these outside energies, they influence you negatively.
Perhaps you are struggling in a relationship, have a health challenge, or are confused about your purpose.
An intuitive Feng Shui space clearing brings you back to yourself by clearing the foreign energies in your body field and your surroundings. Is it time to take your space back?
Do you need a Feng Shui energy space clearing? Not sure? Let's have a conversation. Contact me Here
Nancy Dadami is an Inner Peace Guide, Medicine Painting Mentor, and Feng Shui Specialist. She helps empower leaders, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs called to growth, learning, service, and freedom so they can thrive by creating a life of abundance, self-awareness, purpose, and inner peace. Learn more here