Your space is a reflection of you, your values, beliefs, and goals. Take a look around, what do you see? Pictures of family, posters of sports, fine art, mirrors, piles of papers on your desk, fresh flowers, or healthy plants. The objects you have around you affect you.
Feng Shui Tip #1 is to evaluate what you have in your space. Ask yourself these questions: Do I use it?, Is it in good working order? and Do I love it? If you got a no than it is time to either donate it or give it away. It has now become clutter and clutter is draining to your personal life force. You have to find a way to clear your clutter, you will feel so much better when you do.
Charlie, that is a great question and I am going to ask you a question. Does the other family member pile stuff up only in their personal space or is it everywhere? And do you have any system in place to deal with household paperwork, mail, etc? I have a friend that gives her husband a specific space to put his “stuff” and that works for them. When that space starts to overflow, it is time for him to clear some of it out. My advice for you would be to keep your common and personal area as clutter free as possible. It will make you feel better and allow the chi to flow more easily. Just think of it this way, if you give up then the whole place will be cluttered, and that would create problems for all of you.
what do u do if im clearing clutter, but other family member just piles up,
am i wasting my time,