architect architecture blueprint build

Your house tells a story about you. The floor plan of your space reveals your story, including the areas of your life running smoothly and the areas that challenge you, such as relationship issues, health, money, career, or confidence.

It is all there in the design details of your floor plan.

A client contacted me who wanted a long-lasting, loving relationship. She had been living with her boyfriend for 4 years with no movement to the kind of relationship she wanted. She was frustrated, fearful, and broken-hearted. Nothing she tried made a difference.

Lack of a loving, committed relationship was right there in her floor plan. Her feelings frustration and fear were visible in the flow of her floor plan.

Your floor plan has a flow and energy all it's own. When the flow is aligned with your intentions, you are happier, more successful, and your desires are easier to achieve.

Get An Online “Flow” Reading of YOUR Floor Plan

  • Discover the current obstacles in your home that impact your life.
  • Uncover possible obstacles if you continue on your current path.
  • Find the areas of your home that support your goals and intentions.
  • You can live your best life when your surroundings are aligned with your intentions.
  • Are you curious about how your home impacts your happiness and success? This is a perfect time to have a Flow Reading of your Floor Plan

If you want the Feng Shui adjustments and remedies for the discoveries made in the floor plan reading included, your floor plan reading fee will apply towards a Feng Shui consultation.

A Flow Reading of your floor plan is done online with Zoom. You can be anywhere in the world and get a Flow Reading of your floor plan.

Flow Reading of Your Floor Plan Fee: $97