Kindness and compassion are more important than ever in a time of political unrest and disagreement. People worldwide seem to be more divided in their beliefs, leading folks to become more polarized, isolated, and disconnected.
A positive, hopeful mindset is more difficult to achieve. More kindness and compassion among people could genuinely go far in making a difference and allowing people to unite more fully.
“We cannot do great things on this earth, only small things with great love.” ~ Mother Teresa
What Is Kindness?
Kindness involves being friendly, generous, and considerate to someone else. This is particularly true when the recipient is going through a difficult time, struggling, or in distress.
Kindness is an activity, action, or deed. It’s something you perform toward or on behalf of someone else.
Kindness is the way, both big and small, that we express compassion, concern, consideration, and care for ourselves and others. Kindness transcends race, religion, social class, and language barriers.
Being kind has a significant impact on the world around you and on yourself in ways that you may not realize. It is contagious.
When you perform an act of kindness for someone, it ripples out into the world, whether through the person who received your kindness or through others who observed your act of kindness.
Kindness has the power to increase your happiness and well-being.
What Is Compassion?
Compassion is the feeling part of kindness. You can be kind without compassion. A compassionate person understands the suffering of another and wants to ease that discomfort.
Compassion causes you to empathize with another person and to feel what they might be going through.
Kindness is shown by action, while compassion is about understanding or empathizing with the other’s feelings. With compassion comes a desire to show mercy or kindness to another.
Compassion often shows up as acts of kindness like listening, being present, offering help, and empathy.
Watch This Video To See Kindness In Action
Kindness and Compassion Are Contagious
Acts of kindness and compassion ripple and grow, affecting everyone. When people witness or are recipients of kindness or compassion, they often are motivated to pass on the goodwill.
According to Maya Angelou, one act of kindness can change thousands of lives.
“People will forget what you did and what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”
How Kindness and Compassion Can Change the World
It may be more critical now than ever before to work to re-introduce these principles into your life and the world.
I believe we can do that by modeling them to those around us. You and I can contribute to the spread of kindness and compassion.
Even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life and the world, particularly during such political polarization.
There is a great deal of conflict in the world. We can never know another’s story. A simple nod or smile might make someone’s day and help them feel less alone.
These are the kinds of things that can bridge gaps and bring people together.
Nancy Dadami is an Intentional Creativity Guide, Feng Shui Specialist, and cheerleader for your dreams. Her passion is to empower seekers, conscious creators, healers, and entrepreneurs called to expansion, education, and freedom. This results in living the best version of themselves, creating a life of abundance, self-awareness, purpose, and inner peace. Website