Are you trying to build a successful business? Are you also struggling to put all the business components in some order without the success you desire? Would you like to stop trying so hard and use less effort and have more fun?

When our office space is inspiring, uplifting, and harmonious it creates an energy alignment with our business which makes success easier and more fun. When our office space is cluttered, chaotic, or stressful it is out of alignment and drains our energy and productivity, making it harder and more frustrating to get things done. Is your office space uplifting, inspiring, and harmonious or cluttered, chaotic, and draining? There is an easy way to know and that is by noticing how you feel when you are in the space. When you are in your office do you feel inspired, uplifted or do you feel stressed and drained?

I like to use a nut and bolt as a metaphor for how our office affects our business success. The nut and bolt are put together to create a stronger power. When the hole in the nut is aligned with the bolt they fit easily and effortlessly together. On the other hand if the hole in the nut is not aligned with the bolt, no matter how hard we push, force, or try to put them together, the nut and bolt will not be in alignment and their power is diminished. If we keep trying to force them together, even though they are not in alignment we create frustration and stress. It is easy to see that the answer is to take the nut off the bolt and align it properly before putting it together again. We know that when the nut is in alignment with the bolt they fit together easily and effortlessly.

Our business and office space are similar to a nut and bolt. When the energy of our office makes us feel inspired or uplifted there is alignment and everything will flow with less effort and more ease. The opposite is also true, when we feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or drained in our office there is no energy alignment and more effort will be necessary to accomplish the smallest task.

Fortunately there is a way we can align our office with our business. We can use Feng Shui principles to align the energy of our office space with the energy of our business like the nut aligns with the bolt. When an office has good Feng Shui, business success is easier and more fun.

Is Your Office Causing Struggle In Your Business?

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