Congratulations on joining the Content Creator's University!

Thank you for saying “yes” to your course-creating journey. A great step!

You are on this page because you purchased the main offer to join the Course Creator's University membership for $47 and any One of the following upsells for $97.

Eligible for My Special Bonuses: Year's Worth of Content Package is $97
Eligible for My Special Bonuses: Year's Worth of Staying Organized & Productive is $97
Eligible for My Special Bonuses: Year's Worth of Goal Setting Content is $97
My Special Bonuses include:
  1. A 30-minute Feng Shui Floor Plan Reading Consultation via Zoom or Skype. You choose the area of your life you want help with (wealth, relationships, health, family, career/life path, creativity, reputation, inner magnificence, or helpful people). 
  2. I will also review the course(s) you are creating.
  3. And I will become your affiliate & promote every course you create through the end of 2024!

Write “CCU Bonuses” in the subject line and contact me here to get started

I look forward to serving you,


Nancy Dadami Headshot