The Feng Shui bagua is a powerful tool for identifying harmony and flow in your surroundings. It also shows the energy centers in your home or workplace. Each energy center represents a specific area of your life. The Feng Shui bagua interprets your life, identifying areas of struggle and success and showing where Feng Shui adjustments are needed. The Bagua, often referred to as a Feng Shui map, shows you which areas of your home
Two Inches Below Your Naval – Bingo!
This is the home of the energy center or chakra that oversees new beginnings, Spring, family dynamics, social interactions, intimacy, unresolved issues, and foot pain or problems. Each chakra also corresponds to a part of the Feng Shui bagua. Let’s take a look at the chakra and Feng Shui gua that is represented by Spring. Put your hand on your naval, drop down two inches and you will find it. Your “social center” or “feeling center”, your second
Your Inner Magnificence
There is an area of your bedroom that reflects what you believe about yourself. Your bedroom is like a mirror and it reflects your current beliefs about many things. How and where you place the objects in your bedroom gives information about your beliefs. A closer look will reveal clues to help you understand and make changes or improvements in your life. Stand in the doorway to your bedroom. Look to the left, the area in the