Setting Boundaries with Difficult People


Setting Boundaries With Difficult People Setting healthy boundaries is one of the most valuable skills for creating healthy relationships with others and yourself. It can be challenging to set boundaries with difficult people. The idea of boundaries can seem unclear or complicated. Personal boundaries are merely guidelines for yourself about how others interact with you. A boundary isn’t a rule for how others should act. It’s about what you will allow or tolerate. Boundaries put

7 Reasons Inner Peace Dodges You

stressed man

Inner peace is something we all crave, but for many, it feels just out of reach—like a fleeting shadow that slips away when you need it most. If you wonder why serenity seems to dodge you, no matter how hard you try, you’re not alone. The truth is that hidden habits, beliefs, and obstacles in our daily lives push peace away. Let’s shine a light on these sneaky culprits so you can take your first

Your Boundaries Matter: Learning To Say No Is An Important Life Skill

boundaries matter

One of the most important boundaries you can set is learning to say “no.” Your boundaries matter. Many of us find ourselves stressed out, over-committed, and involved in tasks that don’t interest us simply because we don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings or let them down.  We put other people’s comfort above our own and agree to things we’d rather skip. Let’s examine this destructive habit and why learning to say no is an

Two Inches Below Your Naval – Bingo!

This is the home of the energy center or chakra that oversees new beginnings, Spring, family dynamics, social interactions, intimacy, unresolved issues, and foot pain or problems. Each chakra also corresponds to a part of the Feng Shui bagua.  Let’s take a look at the chakra and Feng Shui gua that is represented by Spring. Put your hand on your naval, drop down two inches and you will find it.  Your “social center” or “feeling center”, your second