Just as a picture is drawn by and artist, surroundings are created by the activities of the mind ~ Buddha
How To Attract Your Ideal Prospect
Running Your Own Business? Law of Attraction Tools I’d Use if I Were You” Part 1 by Michael Losier Have you found yourself wondering if there’s more you could be doing with Law of Attraction and your business? Do you even know if you’re doing it right? I hear from a number of people both at seminars and TeleClasses who want to make sure they’re doing all they can to tap into Law of Attraction
Why Is Spring Cleaning Good For Your Well Being?
We have been having yo-yo weather, some days with warm sunshine and others with cold rain. I am not sure if it is spring or winter. Either way it is time to do some spring cleaning, I know I will feel healthier and happier by that simple act. Imagine spending winter in your house shut tight against the cold, heated by coal, oil, and wood,, lighted with candles. That is how life was in times
Why Be Pickier About What You Think?
“You’re picky about the car you drive. You’re picky about what you wear. You’re picky about what you put in your mouth. We want you to be pickier about what you think”. — Abraham Who is in charge of your life, you or your mind? You are the chooser but the mind is oh, so clever at grabbing for control. Just think about the last time you were trying to get somewhere in heavy traffic.
What’s The Cost To You For Having Clutter in Your Office?
What is the cost to you for disorder and clutter? There is a cost to you when you do not take time to set up systems to organize your office. Think for a minute about all those times you might have put that paper in a pile instead of a file and later spent too much time trying to find it. Your personal and professional cost of having disorder and clutter in your space is:
Law Of Attraction Tip # 9 Raise Your Vibration
The most effective action we can take to get more of what we want is to raise our vibration. A higher or aligned vibration brings our desires to us faster than a scattered vibration. Are you using some of these methods and not getting results? Doing meditation, journaling, affirmations, or creative visualization? The question to ask ourselves is what is the focus or intention for doing this? Are we trying to do it to get
Feng Shui and Law of Attraction Tip #1 – Creating
How do you create what you want? You create by molding Energy to attract the people, places and things you desire. You mold the Energy by your thoughts, words, and the power of your focus. Whatever you are focusing on, whether wanted or unwanted, will increase. I was with a friend today and he was complaining about not having enough money. He even said he was tired of not having enough money. He spent ten minutes focusing on not having
3 Tips for Getting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t Want
We learned in science classes that everything is vibrating, even when we cannot see the vibration. So if everything is vibrating that includes you and me. You have an energy vibration or vibe going on within all the time and that vibe matches your thoughts and feelings. You are attracting events and people into your life that match the vibe you are sending out. If you want something different , you have to change your thinking. Here are three
What Is The Law of Attraction?
We all attract to our life whatever we give our attention, energy and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted. The thing I learned about the Law of Attraction is that if I choose what I give my attention, energy and focus to, I can create the kind of life I want. Every person, place and thing has a vibe or vibration. Today we are focusing on the vibe of people. Our feelings and emotions send
The Law of Attraction
“Every thought vibrates, every thought radiates a signal, and every thought attracts a matching signal back. We call this process the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction says: That which is like unto itself is drawn.” Esther and Jerry Hicks ~ The Teachings of Abraham