Running Your Own Business? Law of Attraction Tools I’d Use if I Were You” Part 1 by Michael Losier Have you found yourself wondering if there’s more you could be doing with Law of Attraction and your business? Do you even know if you’re doing it right? I hear from a number of people both at seminars and TeleClasses who want to make sure they’re doing all they can to tap into Law of Attraction
3 Tips for Getting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t Want
We learned in science classes that everything is vibrating, even when we cannot see the vibration. So if everything is vibrating that includes you and me. You have an energy vibration or vibe going on within all the time and that vibe matches your thoughts and feelings. You are attracting events and people into your life that match the vibe you are sending out. If you want something different , you have to change your thinking. Here are three