Have you had the opportunity that you knew with your whole being was meant for you? Was it something you were being called to do? YES was the only possible answer. That happened to me a few years ago, and it did not make sense to my logical thinking mind. My inner critic wanted to stop me by putting doubts and fear in my path. I knew it was for me because the YES came
How You Do One Thing Is How You Do Everything
I walked into the classroom with a grocery bag full of oranges, my briefcase and a curious mind. Today was going to be different. I was conducting an experiment. Today they would experience themselves with a new awareness. They were about to discover how they approach the world. Imagine thirty teen agers from 15 to 18 years old talking, laughing and some not noticing that I was in the room, yet. As I settled I
Soul Connections
Giving Life Depth, Value and Meaning I have found this item to be useful in deepening my connection and awareness of Soul working through all parts of my life. My hope is that you will find value and meaning when you bring them into your experience too. Please share your thoughts about them, I look forward to your questions and comments.
3 Ways to Nourish Your Soul
[pb_vidembed title=”” caption=”” url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-AVHfGzXZU” type=”yt” w=”480″ h=”385″] 3 Ways to Nourish Your Soul What would it be like if you were able to save time and money in your personal life and business? Hi, I’m Nancy Dadami, creator of Unlocking the Destiny Code System.
How Long Does the Grip of Perfection Last?
Perfection used to have a tight grip on me, causing me to second guess every decision. Is this the right move? Did I do it right? Did I do enough? Am I enough? Do you find yourself questioning your decisions? Or maybe your worry about getting it right prolongs the process of making decisions.
Are You Missing This Clue To Your Health?
Do you get sick all the time? Can’t seem to shake off a lingering illness? Or are you in the middle of a health crisis? Your home has clues for the solutions you seek. You influence your home with color, light, furniture placement, art and “the other stuff” you have in your space. Your home in turn influences you, your emotions, peace of mind, and success.
Advice From A Tree
Everytime we move into a new home we plant trees. We have our favorites, the redwood, the fig, and the lemon which are always the first to go in. Over the years they grow and add oxygen and good vibes to our yard and our life. Of course we plant them using Feng Shui principles so they elevate the chi for us in specific areas of our lives. Trees send their roots deep into the earth giving them a solid
American Idol Taught Me How To Find My Business Mojo
They all started with a dream, a dream to become the next American Idol. They started as beginners, lacking experience, marketing savvy,confidence, and they looked scared in front of the TV audience. Many of us start our businesses as beginners too. As I watched American Idol each week I began to see the unfolding of each contestant going from having a dream to living the dream. There was something magical going on. Some contestants were
Stop Missing The Messages From Your Soul
Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom with SoulCollage® II ~Soul Whispers It is an easy, intuitive process of self-discovery. A way to honor all of who we are and who we are becoming. In the SoulCollage® I ~ Create It workshop you experience your inner wisdom by creating 5” x 8” collage cards, listening to your Soul in the process. This 2 hour workshop SoulCollage® II ~Soul Whispers is designed to take you deeper into
Ready To Tame Your Inner Critic?
Have you ever been a witness to your own behavior? It is like watching yourself act as if you are separate from your actions. I was in a workshop creating on an art project. I noticed that part of me was getting frustrated because I was taking too long, the project was not turning out how I wanted, and my work did not look as good as other people’s projects. It was if there was
When Too Much Is Not A Good Thing
When I was a teen-ager, my girlfriends and I used to say “You can’t have too much money or be too thin.” We used to talk about it so much, I am sure we believed it. I like to think of myself as wiser and more mature now, and I am not so sure that statement is true, especially if trying to achieve it causes us too much stress, anxiety or worry. I came across a quote from