Stop Missing The Messages From Your Soul

Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom with SoulCollage® II  ~Soul Whispers It is an easy, intuitive process of self-discovery. A way to honor all of who we are and who we are becoming.   In the SoulCollage® I ~ Create It workshop you experience your inner wisdom by creating 5” x 8” collage cards, listening to your Soul in the process.  This 2 hour workshop SoulCollage® II ~Soul Whispers is designed to take you deeper into

Ready To Tame Your Inner Critic?

Have you ever been a witness to your own behavior? It is like watching yourself act as if you are separate from your actions. I was in a workshop creating on an art project. I noticed that part of me was getting frustrated because I was taking too long, the project was not turning out how I wanted, and my work did not look as good as other people’s projects. It was if there was

Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom with SoulCollage® II ~ Soul Whispers

SoulCollage® provides a way to hear our Soul’s messages. It is an easy, intuitive process of self-discovery. A way to honor all of who we are and who we are becoming. This workshop is designed to take you deeper into the messages your Soul has for you by focusing on “reading” the SoulCollage®cards. You will be gently guided in a process used to answer your personal questions using SoulCollage® cards. Bring your SoulCollage® cards, if you

Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom With SoulCollage®

Your soul reveals messages to you through images. What does it want you to know? Free Your Inner Artist Awaken Your Creativity Access Your Inner Wisdom for Answers to Life’s Questions You will be introduced to the elements of SoulCollage®. Guided through the process of intuitively choosing images, making your own small collage, and participating in a powerfil exercise using your collage.

You Only Have What You Give

I had to have a talk with myself and tell my  thinking self that I was giving it a break, sending it outside to look around.  I had some things to do and I would be back for it later. As I quietly entered the room I could see hundreds of images, of various sizes and shapes, spread all over the floor. The images represented a variety of ages, genders, ethnicities, cultures, and some were of action