Your soul reveals messages to you through images. What does it want you to know?
- Free Your Inner Artist
- Awaken Your Creativity
- Access Your Inner Wisdom for Answers to Life's Questions
You will be introduced to the elements of SoulCollage®. Guided through the process of intuitively choosing images, making your own small collage, and participating in a powerfil exercise using your collage.
Learn the basics of creating a personal deck of 5″x8″ collaged cards that reflect your personal symbols and your internal wisdom. Each card is a small work of art, with imagery uniquely meaningful to you.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Networking Lounge
1934 Contra Costa Blvd.
Above Blue Salon & Spa
Pleasant Hill
Fee $35
All materials & supplies provided
Registration: Contact Nancy Dadami
Two spaces still available
No prior collage or art experience necessary
SoulCollage® an intuitive collage process developed by Seena Frost
Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom With SoulCollage®