Have you ever said to yourself, “If I only had more self-confidence, I know I could find the right relationship, be happier, or make more money?” Feng Shui impacts self-confidence, and this article will tell you how.
Your home gives clues about your self-confidence. How you arrange your space influences what and how you feel about yourself, and how you feel about yourself impacts your self-confidence.
Here is an experience from a Feng Shui consultation I had that illustrates this principle:
She was an entrepreneur who told me she wanted more clients. I was looking for clues to the problem of not having enough clients. When I asked about a particular piece of furniture, she told me she “hated it” and did not know why she kept it.
Looking with Feng Shui Eyes, I noticed the despised piece of furniture was located in the self-knowledge/Inner Magnificence Bagua area of her living room.
I asked her about a picture hanging in the kitchen, and she told me she “hated it.” I noticed the picture was also in the Inner Magnificence Bagua area. By the time we got to the bedroom, you guessed it, she “hated” the item in the Inner Magnificence area there, too.
That’s when I told her about her Inner Magnificence mindset. Her home gave clues about her connection to her Inner Magnificence. She was low on self-confidence and had no idea about Inner Magnificence.
The Feng Shui remedy was designed to improve her connection to her Inner Magnificence so she could be more confident and get what she wanted. She implemented the remedy, and within three months, she was happier and more confident and had several new clients. Challenges with confidence show up in your floor plan, and Feng Shui helped me assess the issue and offer remedies to improve confidence.
Feng Shui and Confidence – What Happened?
She connected to her Inner Magnificence. Confidence starts on the inside, that place within you connected to Spirit, Soul, and what I call your “Inner Magnificence.” When you are connected to your Inner Magnificence, you are part of a team—your Soul Power Team. You and your Soul Power Team communicate and work together for your benefit.
What Happens When Your Inner Magnificence Is Front And Center?
- You know what you want
- You get more done
- You have less stress
- Your health benefits
- You are a more pleasant person
- You are more satisfied with your life
- You have more self-confidence
How Is This Helpful To Me?
Your conscious connection to your Inner Magnificence stops you from looking for all your answers “out there “and reminds you to go within for answers. Take a breath, connect to your team, and await your answers.
Allow your team to help you find your answers. I am not saying not to ask for help or support, but to look within first.
You will also stop trying to be like someone else. In business, people often model themselves after a mentor or other successful person. There is not one way to do things. When you connect with your Inner Magnificence, you create a path for yourself that is unique to you.
Mentors are wise, helpful, and experts on their topic. You can follow their guidance while maintaining your uniqueness.
Approaching decisions from your inner magnificence will save you money and time. You will not buy every product that promises success. You will make choices with clarity and purpose.
This will free up more time for you to do the most productive and fulfilling activities.
You bring “you” into your personal and professional world every day. When you are aware of and operate from your inner magnificence, you get the best possible answer in every situation.
Nancy Dadami is an Inner Peace Strategist, Medicine Painting Mentor, and Feng Shui Specialist. She helps empower leaders, visionaries, creatives, and entrepreneurs called to growth, learning, service, and freedom to thrive by living the best version of themselves, creating a life of abundance, self-awareness, purpose, and inner peace. Learn more here Linktr.ee/nancydadami