What is one thing you look forward to everyday? I mean really look forward to, so much that you can picture yourself experiencing it. It might be a brisk walk outside with the wind blowing on your face, the smell of your morning coffee as the aroma fills your kitchen, or conversation with someone that makes you happy. Many of us have small things that we do that make our lives full and rich every day. I was told once that “It is the small things that make all the difference”, and I have found that to be true.
Today, soaking in the hot tub sounds like one of those small things. I am shivering and my muscles are sore. I woke up with thoughts of the hot tub dancing in my head. The thought of being immersed in liquid heat and feeling the jets pulsating water on my back is all I need to smile. Ah, the relief.
Sometimes it is the small things we do everyday that teach us the most. Today I had an awareness of wanting to be perfect. Or was it being afraid of criticism? Today I went to the gym with the idea of soaking in the hot tub. I took my gym bag, loaded with the “stuff” I needed to take a shower and dress, or so I thought. As I was putting my bag into the locker I realized I did not have the hair products I usually use at home. For some people that would not be a big deal but I am fussy about what I put on my hair. And I was not sure how the gym products would perform. Would my hair look right? That’s when the conversation started playing in my head. I asked myself, “what is the big deal about hair products, anyway?” I wondered why I was so concerned about my hair and how it looks. So was I going to get what I really wanted or was I going to sacrifice the hot but for the perfect hair? That was the question.
Finally I realized I had to make a decision about what to do. I could workout and go home to shower, missing my soak in the hot tub or I could use the gym products and get that soak in the liquid heat I had been dreaming about. I decided to get over myself and enjoy that soak in the hot tub.
I wonder how many people have an inner critic that keeps them from getting what they really want?
I have had people tell me that they want to have a Feng Shui consultation. They believe it will change their life, but they can’t take action because their house is messy (not perfect enough). They want to wait until they straighten things up, or get rid of stuff. Unfortunately, nothing happens.
What keeps you from getting what you really want?