Red RoseI am from the land of curiosity, creek walking, rope swings, & hiking to the old oak tree.

I am from red roses and butterflies

And playing jacks and laughing until I cry.

I am from walks in the forest, and the sounds of redwood mulch crackling under my feet.

I am from soaking in hot tubs and engaging in deep conversation

I am from bold intentions,

Freshly roasted walnuts bear claws, and bergamot tea

I am from knowing I matter, and I am enough the way I am

I am from sacred spaces within the womb of Mother Earth and the connection of cosmic stars.

From religious roots that gave wings to searching for the meaning of life, metaphysics, healing, and quantum physics

I am from creating sacred space within and around me, visible and invisible energy pulsating everywhere.

From energy alignment, magic, and home as a mirror of Self.

I am from the inquiry. I ask the ocean, “How am I like you?” I ask the rose, “What messages do you have for me?” I witness the stare of the Raven and know that everything is connected.

I am from gathering pieces and messages from life to heal and expand

Turning deep grief into compost to create meaning in my life.

From a loving, creative, & compassionate mother who listened and encouraged me to grow into ME. In her last days, she told me, “Never give up your dream.”

She showed me the power of creativity. There was always a creative project in the works, from creating garments, oil painting, making porcelain dolls, or baking wedding cakes for others.

I am from designing & sewing fabric collage garments, creating recipes for gluten-free scones, tending to my roses, and growing tomatoes & basil to create my grandmother’s spaghetti sauce.

I am from creating wisdom spaces for teachers and my students to empower them to deliver & receive knowledge and life lessons in school.

I am from pure joy when I teach. That joy of teaching is with me always. From my early days of gathering neighbor kids during summer to my backyard school to do math or writing to teaching high school students with inquiry to discover “who am I?” and “why am I here?”

From practicing compassion, setting boundaries, and witnessing people, especially teenagers, we all grew in empathy and humility.

I am from spousal abuse and betrayal to choosing to rise above what happened to me, shedding the garments of victimhood, and stepping into who I want to be now.

I am from discovering that my son began teaching me from the time he was born that I am not always in charge, being perfect does not exist, and I am never too old to learn. Oh, and you can’t believe what everyone tells you about being a parent.

From pride as I watch the man he has become, his compassion, empathy, love, & humility. His choice to live near his daughter so she would grow up knowing her father, something he did not have. 

I am from following the rules on the job until the rules are not right for the students, teachers, and me. Then I speak up and decide what I am willing to be fired for.

I am from sharing the vision and mission and setting the tone for my own alternative school. A place where each person is met exactly where they are, respect is expected, the possibility of graduation is real, and showing up for yourself and doing your work is a lifelong journey.

I am from marveling at the way bees live, tending my own beehive, and harvesting honey in a full bee suit.

From the ocean breezes kissing my face, awe as I bob up and down in the salty water and hold hands with my husband as we catch the next wave.

I am from a circle of love, laughter, and adventure with my husband. From talks about feelings and intuitive messages, I did not see it coming as jokes, cooking together, and enjoying each other’s company.

I am from painting as an expression of my Soul, a portal to healing, and a way to higher levels of consciousness. I meet myself in every creative endeavor. I am the artist of my life.

I am from the Red Thread, which connects me to everyone I am destined to meet. Although the thread may tangle or stretch, it will never break. I call them, and they call me, and we meet, each taking responsibility for our unique piece of the red thread, agreeing to witness each other on this journey.

We are not alone.

I am here to support you. Contact me here with your questions or comments or to work with me.

Nancy Dadami is an Intentional Creativity Guide, Feng Shui Specialist, and cheerleader for your dreams. Her passion is to empower seekers, conscious creators, and healers called to expansion, education, and freedom. This results in living the best version of themselves, creating a life of abundance, self-awareness, purpose, and inner peace

Where I am from…