Imagine my excitement when I practiced the creation process and got what I intended. You can do it, too. You can have it all. The process is simple to learn and follow.
It is based on the premise that everything has a vibration. You have heard of “vibe,” right? You might have heard it when someone said, “I get good vibes from that restaurant,” “He has great vibes,” or “Whenever I talk about war, I get bad vibes.”
Your personal vibes are determined by how you think and feel. That's right, how you think and feel determines the vibes you send into the world. Your vibes are either positive and uplifting or negative and draining. The vibes you send out are like magnets attracting more of the same to you.
An example of this would be someone complaining about not having enough money. They are in a mood of lack, sending out negative vibes that attract more negative vibes of lack to them.
It also works for the positive. Someone who feels gratitude taps into a positive vibe and sends out a magnet to attract more experiences that generate gratitude in their life.
If you are not getting what you want, examine your feelings, thoughts, and words. Are they positive and uplifting or negative and draining?
The creation process allows you to have it all. I have used it with clients and for myself, and everyone has seen great results.
The Creation Process ~ Get More Of What You Want
Step 1. What do you want? Spend time clarifying. If you can have it all, what is “all” for you right now?
Step 2. Picture It. Visualize what you want.
Step 3. See yourself in the picture. Visualize yourself doing, being, having your “all”.
Step 4. Feel It. After you know what you want, you visualize it, and you visualize yourself in the picture; your next step is to Feel the emotion of having it. Allow yourself time to feel the emotion of having it. This is the most critical step.
Step 5. Put It Into Words. This is the fifth step after clarity, visualizing, and feeling. Now, you are ready to put it into words. Use words: Positive ~ Present (in the now) ~ Clear. Say ” I am…..”
Step 6. Always finish with ” I make this intention for the best and highest good for the Universe, myself, and everyone everywhere. So be it, and so it is.
Yes, it is that simple. You can have it all by following the Six Step Creation Process.
Nancy Dadami is an Inner Peace Guide, Medicine Painting Mentor, and Feng Shui Specialist. She helps empower leaders, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs called to growth, learning, service, and freedom so they can thrive by creating a life of abundance, self-awareness, purpose, and inner peace. Learn more here