
I had to talk with myself and tell my thinking self that I was giving it a break, sending it outside to look around.  I had some things to do and would return for it later.

As I quietly entered the room, I saw hundreds of images of various sizes and shapes spread all over the floor.

The images represented a variety of ages, genders, ethnicities, and cultures, and some were of action while others were very still—images of people from all walks of life.

I  began walking around the images, picking some up and moving others. It happened.  I was pulled toward the image of this young boy with the tulips. It was as if the image told me, ” I have something for you, a message perhaps.”  I picked up the image of the young boy with the tulips and returned to my seat.  Little did I know that I would receive the greatest gift of all.

When I scanned his face, I could feel his enthusiasm in his giggle. Looking into his eyes, I could see the excitement and anticipation of  “the giver.” He had plans for those tulips, plans that gave him great joy.  His joy was in the giving.

I'm an Intuitive Artist, Feng Shui Expert, and Entrepreneur Nancy Dadami. My mission is to help you achieve peace within yourself, your relationships, and the world around you. I am known for my talent in harmonizing the energies of your outer and inner worlds, cultivating a sacred space for inner peace, personal growth, and holistic well-being. Explore my transformative services and embark on your journey toward inner peace, purpose, and fulfillment.

You Only Have What You Give

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