What Are You Expecting?

The Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It’s not testing you. It’s benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation. — Abraham

Why Is Spring Cleaning Good For Your Well Being?

We have been having yo-yo weather, some days with warm sunshine and others with cold rain. I am not sure if it is spring or winter. Either way it is time to do some spring cleaning, I know I will feel healthier and happier by that simple act. Imagine spending winter in your house shut tight against the cold, heated by coal, oil, and wood,, lighted with candles. That is how life was in times

Feng Shui and Law of Attraction Tip #1 – Creating

How do you create what you want? You create by molding Energy to attract the people, places and things you desire. You mold the Energy by your thoughts, words,  and the power of your focus. Whatever you are focusing on, whether wanted or unwanted, will increase.  I was with a friend today and he was complaining about not having enough money. He even said he was tired of not having enough money. He spent ten minutes focusing on not having

A Golden Opportunity Tiger Tune-Ups

Are you working hard and falling short of where you want to be? Do you wish you had more time, energy, and focus? Looking for more abundance and prosperity in your life? How Much Would You Benefit From? Maximizing your time, energy, and effort? Creating change that really matters? Living a life of abundance, success and balance?

What Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?

The other day I went into an office and there “it” was. The furniture in the reception area looked comfortable, thepaintings on the wall were attractive, and the color of the room was relaxing. Looking past that I saw  “it”, piles of magazines covering all of the end tables. There were magazines on the floor next to the sofa  and in a chair, probably left by a former client.  What did the condition of the reception area say

Love It Or Leave It

Our health, wealth, and happiness depend on it. Everyday we make choices that affect it.  Luke Skywalker referred to it as “The Force”.  This “Force” or chi as it is referred to in Feng Shui is the energy in everything, everywhere. Remember learning about atoms and molecules in science class. We learned that atoms and molecules are always in motion, even when an object seems to be solid, like a table. The energy or “chi” is