I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the wind tossing my hair as I let the road lead me. I was relaxed and happy as thoughts of seeing my friend danced through my mind.  I love driving my convertible with the top down feeling the gentleness of nature surround me like a cocoon.

 Oh, here is her street, I stopped to make a left turn. Even though my turn indicator was blinking the boy driving behind me did not see that I was stopped.

Wham! I was hit from behind with great force. My car was thrust forward about 25 feet, my glasses flew off my face and landed in the backseat.  I was stunned, shaken, confused, and disoriented.

A kind man walking on the sidewalk across the street heard the loud crash and immediately ran through oncoming traffic to my car reassuring me that I would be alright. His voice was calm and soothing. I launched into a panic.

He stayed with me, gently talking to me, helping me to calm down. Not only his kind words but his presence was comforting to me.  He appeared out of nowhere at just the right time to be of assistance.

When the police arrived, just like that he was gone. His act of kindness meant more to me than he may ever know.  Although I was not able to thank him I can pay it forward by doing a kind deed for someone else.

Think back to a time when you did a good deed for someone. Did you plan it or was a spontaneous act of kindness?

Kindness is truly a win-win-win situation. The person who receives the good deed benefits from your help, you feel good for having helped someone and the world is a better place because of your kindness.

Never underestimate the impact of a single good deed or act of kindness.

 Oh, yes and did I say kindness is contagious. I feel good when someone does something kind for me, it makes me want to pass the kindness on . I see the happiness and sparkle in other’s eyes when I do a good deed for them.

When H.H. Grandmaster Professor Lin Yun Rinpoche, my Feng Shui Master, was asked what we could do to improve our good luck and create more peace in our world he told us to do one good deed a day for 27 days.

Your good deed or act of kindness ripples out into the world as a positive energy force uplifting all of us.  Imagine the impact you could make by doing a good deed or act of kindness for someone every day for 27 days. Not only would you uplift and shift your energy field you would uplift the energy field of those around you.

The 27 Day Challenge

Are you ready to take on a challenge? I challenge you to do at least one good deed a day for 27 days. The good deeds can be for people you know or for strangers.

Even the smallest act of kindness makes a difference. It’s a win-win-win for all of us. You make someone else happy, increase your own good luck and help to create peace in our world. I know this has the power to shift your circumstances.

 A few 3 Secrets Feng Shui Face book Fans are posting their good deeds on that page. Join us and share your acts of kindness here too https://www.facebook.com/3secretsfengshui/

Some ideas

  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Take a neighbor a flower
  • Surprise someone by taking them lunch
  • Wash a friend’s car
  • Help someone put groceries in their car
  • Give a compliment
  • Buy a cup of coffee for the person behind you in line at the coffee shop
  • Stay after work to help a colleague
  • Write a nice note to someone and leave it on their car or mail it to them
  • Wish someone a good day
  • Smile at everyone
  • Tell someone how much you appreciate them
  • Let someone in your lane in a traffic jam.

Those are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing. I know you will create your own opportunities.  Other 27 Day Challengers are noticing that they are looking forward to the next good deed that they can do for someone. See your posts on facebook.com/3secretsfeng shui

NANCY DADAMI is transforming the way spirited women function in their workspaces. I teach smart busy business owners to create workspaces that make their heart sing, empower their work and shorten their path to success.

As a Feng Shui Consultant, Energy Reader, and Intentional Flow Mentor I help you understand “the flow” and find Peace of Mind in your life and business.

Change The World For The Better By Doing This One Thing

3 thoughts on “Change The World For The Better By Doing This One Thing

  • at 3:52 pm

    Thank you Lucy, I am doing well.

  • at 9:39 am

    what a lovely challenge to embrace. Thank you Nancy. Will do …

  • at 8:19 pm

    I’m so sorry about your accident. Are you okay?

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